AGM 2019 Agenda



Dear Owners:                                        Orihuela Costa, 26thSeptember 2019


In accordance with  the second paragraph of article 16 of the current Law of Horizontal Property (Ley de Propiedad Horizontal) and as President of the Community “RESIDENCIAL PLAYA FLAMENCA X”, I invite you to the Ordinary Meetingnext Tuesday 15thOctober 2019, in chinesse restaurant “Golden City” in calle Nicolás de Bussi near the community at 13:45 h in first call and at 14:15 hin second call according to the following:



1.- Welcome from president. President’s report. Administration’s report.

2.- Presentation and approval, if the case, of the Accounts for exercise September-2018/August-2019. Approval of certificates of debt and decision on actions to be taken.

3.- Presentation and approval, if the case, of the ordinaryBudget of Expenses for the year 2019/2020 and fees. Proposal of increasing fees in a 5% (fees not increased in the last 4 years).

4.- Extra works (petitions from owners, we will dispose of soe approx. prices for the Meeting, and depending on what is passed it will be necessary to approve and extraordinary fee).

4.1.- Removal of hedge around western pool and replaced by fence (either entirely or in part).

4.2.- Provision of solar heating in one of the pools to provide all-year-round use.

4.3.- Re-painting or paint removal along northern balaustrade.

4.4.- Painting of garage walls.

4.5.- Completion of tiling around western pool.

4.6.- New bench seat for western pool.

5.- Other decisions to be taken:

5.1.- To agree a policy on translations of agendas, minutes and other documents into German ad other languages.

5.2.- To agree on the continuation of the contract with the maintenance company and the level of street cleaning.

6.- Reported garage leaks into garages and down expansion joint.

7.- Election of the Governing Committee. Election of Secretary-Administrator. Election of President. Election of Vice-president and Committee Members if desired.

8.- Any other business. Note: only items brought to the attention of the president within 7 days of the AGM will be permitted. This is to allow these to be properly examined and reports prepared to allow informed discussion.

8.1.- Reminding of procedure to follow regarding modifications-extensions. To give retrospective permission for any additions/alterations to properties built prior to 2018.

8.2.- Reminding to respect community rules. Responsibility owners for renting their property. New regulation about holiday rentals.

8.3.- Parking of lorries on urbaniation roads on market days.

8.4.- Date for the next Annual General Meeting.

