AGM : Summary of Meeting

Hello to all Playa Flamenca X Community.
I would like to introduce myself as your president for the coming year. My name is Jocelyn Whitehouse and I live at casa 1764.
We also have a Vice President Barry Dutton and a committee of three.
I would like to keep this brief and will speak further once the minutes of AGM have been issued.
A brief summary of the meeting is as follows:
Due to many complaints regarding the cleaning and maintenance of the community our Administrator has asked for all your complaints to be sent to her. She will then have a meeting with maintenance company.
A working party has been set up to assist in the removal of the hedge around the western pool due to several complaints about mosquitos.
A decision has been made to take court action against the debt on casa 1768.
Further small work improvements were agreed and will be detailed in the minutes.
I look forward to working with all community members to make this a harmonious community to live in.