Appeal for Charity Donations

Few people on our urbanisation know that six residents are directly involved with the local charity Help at Home Costa Blanca.

During the past fortnight people who are homeless, sleeping rough or destitute have been helped directly by these people.

We drive past areas of waste ground not realising that there are people living in basic shacks there, just scratching a living.

In Punta Prima there’s a commune of people thrown out of work when the building boom burst. On the open land opposite Carrefour on the N332 there are people living in make-shift corrugated iron shelters. There’s at least another living on waste ground less than a quarter of a mile from us.

Courtesy of the charity, bags of food have been bought and delivered, large quantities of clothing and bedding has been donated and the local International Christian Assembly church is donating more food for distribution.

If any owner has any item of clothing, bedding or food they would like to donate, please bring it to the president at casa 1728. Many thanks and have a great Christmas.