Author: Admin

Brexit : Reassurance on Pensions & Health

This is a statement issued from the British Consulate General in Madrid and it makes very good reading for British ex-pats.I would refer you all to the following sentence; “For you, the Government has announced that the UK will continue to export and uprate the UK State Pension and provide associated healthcare cover within the EU, issues which I know from my conversations over the last year were important to many of you.”

This has been a great worry to all of us since the Brexit vote. The full text of the statement is in full below.

Statement from the British Consulate General in Madrid

Given the success of the Spanish read more

Committee Newsletter : May 2017

This is a report to the community following the Committee meeting held on Friday 5th May 2017. The committee received the report from the surveyor/architect engaged to undertake a structural survey of the garages together with an opinion concerning the patios of houses above. The committee was pleased to hear that the surveyor could find no problems with the main support beams of the structure, which he considered totally safe. A supplemental report from him also confirmed he could see no faults with the central walkway or other works carried out in 2015 as a result of the court order requiring the housing community to effect repairs to stop leaks into a number of private garages.

The inspector was, however, critical of the lack of maintenance of patios above garages which he believes could be the reason why there is still water getting into the common areas of the garages at read more