Bars and restaurants reopen on Monday 15th March

From Monday 15th March bars, cafés and restaurants in the three provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón will be allowed to open their indoor areas with up to 30% of usual capacity. Outside seating can be 100% occupied as long as tables are at least two metres apart.

Since the beginning of this year there has been a complete shutdown of bars and restaurants which was only eased to 50% on 2nd March so this latest easing of restrictions is welcome news for businesses and customers. There is still a 6pm restriction, however, which means that restaurants can only serve lunch but at least people can meet up with friends as long as there are no more than four people at the table. Masks must still be worn inside and outside of bars, except when actually eating or drinking, nobody is allowed to sit at the bar area, and the interior must be fully ventilated.

Restrictions have also been eased for Sports centres, indoor swimming pools, children’s educational facilities, weddings and christenings. Further information can found on the ThinkSpain website with a review of these measures due on 12th April 2021.