Builder’s skip not yet removed

For several weeks a builder’s skip has been on our urbanisation while work has taken place on two properties.
The work was completed before Easter but the skip has not been removed. Sadly these skips, if left for any length of time, attract fly tipping and this skip is no exception. It’s attracted sheets of polystyrene, cardboard and assorted rubbish to be dumped despite the skip being full to the brim.
As a result this has been blowing up and down the road leaving a dreadful mess, leading to several complaints.

It is not for me nor our administration to have to telephone the skip company to have it removed. Nor is it right that our maintenance cleaner has to do this additional cleaning work.
Please will home owners who have work done on their properties requiring builders to use skips ensure they are removed as soon as the work is completed.
Additional cleaning/admin costs will be charged against the owners concerned.