Can you help trace a beneficiary ?

I am seeking the help of anyone who has lived on our urbanisation for many years and who may have known the owner of house number 1773, which is almost opposite the Chinese restaurant.
The name we have on record is Anton A de Tollenaere and I believe he was Belgian and died between 18 months and 2 years ago.
The problem we have is that we know of no next of kin and, as far as we know, no-one has visited the house in the many months since his death.
During this time we have had to have the patio cleared of dead or dying plants, and grass and weeds growing between tiles, the cost of this has been placed as a debt on the property which is now large and mounting.
This property is in urgent need of attention and, in addition, a car is abandoned outside.
The probability is the car is uninsured and will have no ITV and probably SUMA has not been paid.
The reason for writing this is to ask any owner who may have knowledge of Mr Torrenaere’s family, next of kin, friend, in fact anyone who may help to trace a beneficiary, to let our administrator or me know.
The house is in a prominent position and I don’t want to see this property deteriorate any further and the car is looking the worse for wear, with a flat tyre and I am receiving complaints.
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