Category: COVID19

Opening of swimming pools

Hello Everyone

I write to advise that both swimming pools will be opening from 15th July. Due to Coronavirus and Government Restrictions placed on pools  there will be a limit on the number of people in the pools at one time.
There will be cleaning solutions available for everyone using the pools to use after getting out of the pools. Shoes/sandals will have to be worn at all time whilst in the pool areas. The pool areas will be cleaned every morning before opening by the Community’s maintenance company
People living around the Eastern pool please refrain from sitting around the pool if it is not your allotted time to use the pool.
To give me some idea of how many people who will want to use the pools, it would be helpful if you could let me know.  So that I can make this fair to everyone.

Face masks to be worn in public spaces

We have received this notice from the UK Consular Office from the Spanish government. While thankfully, both new cases and deaths in Spain from coronavirus is rapidly decreasing, it is vital that people continue to act sensibly and wear masks as follows…

From May 21, the use of face masks will be obligatory to anyone over the age of 6 years old in all public spaces in Spain, where it is not possible to maintain social distancing of 2 metres. read more