Category: Environment

Potential opening of pools

Hello All
Everyone should have received an email from AGM the Administrators regarding the potential opening of the pools in the community.  If you have not then please email or telephone 966730900
Can you please make sure you send in your preferred choice by 12 June by email or by telephone.
It is the Government that is imposing the rules on the pools and not the community and they have to be adhered to for everyone’s safety. Fines for not obeying the government can be from 600 euros upwards. The cost of maintaining the pools has been quoted at approximately 12 euros per hour plus IVA. The Administrators have received several quotes for the work.  However we can not justify paying all of this money out of the community funds when other maintenance work will be need to be carried out.
The only alternative would be to increase the community fees at the AGM or to ask residents to pay a contribution to the costs.  Please let me know your thoughts on this. We don’t know at the moment what costs will apply for the month of September. The choice is yours so please use your vote wisely. Stay safe

Possible problem with rats

Hello everyone
I hope you are all well and safe.
Unfortunately it has been reported to me by one our residents that they have a problem with a rat in their garden area. The resident has also seen the rats on the roadway and a feral cat has caught a rat in the neighbours garden. The resident has called in a pest control company And they are dealing with the problem.
The Pest Control Company do not expect that it came from the open ground opposite our urbanisation as it has been months since this was disturbed and they found no trace coming from there.
The Company believe that the problem is due to the lack of human activity lately which has allowed that rats to have more freedom and become extremely active at present. The Company advised that the number one cause of rats in homes that have pets as food and water is readily available and is sometimes left outside.
Therefore can I please ask everyone to be extra vigilant and please do not leave food or water outside your property and be mindful of leaving outside doors open at this time.
If the problem persists we may have to use the services of a Pest Control Company however I am mindful that residents do have pets.
Can I please ask all residents to inform me of any problems that they may have with vermin.

Bench restoration complete

The remembrance bench at the eastern pool has now been restored and is back in place. Woodwork which had become rotten has been replaced and the bench has been repainted. This has saved the community around €200 compared with the cost of replacement and delivery. The work has been done by Norman Brunt and Eileen and Tony Mayes. The bench has another memorial plaque in memory of Doreen Morley who died last year.

Hedge removal from Western pool

Hello Everyone
Finally the removal of the hedge around the Western Pool has now been completed.
I would sincerely like to thank Kay, Manuel, Marion, Ron, Barry, Cath, Sylvia, Dave and Augusto for all their very hard work over the last few weeks to enable us to accomplish this.
The fence surrounding the pool is in remarkably good condition considering it has been covered by an ivy hedge for the past 20 years.

Barking Dogs on our Urbanisation

Happy New Year to everyone.
Sadly I have to report further complaints about barking dogs and dogs allowed to run loose on our urbanisation.
Some Owners are leaving their dogs outside and they bark at everyone and everything that passes by.  This constant dog barking is causing annoyance and upset to their neighbours.
Our administrator advises that if this continues to go on then owners should telephone our local police who we are told will make a prompt visit and if justified will take appropriate action with the dog owner(s) concerned.
Thank you

New memorial seat for Eastern Pool

The memorial seat in the eastern pool is in need of replacing. it was provided for the community many years ago in memory of the wife of an owner. He has requested that his plaque is placed on a new seat and we have another owner who would wish a plaque he is buying to be placed there in memory of his wife. The seat we are considering buying costs about €115 (delivery extra). If anyone has any alternative options please let us know, similarly if anyone has an objection, let us know. If we have a favourable response we will go ahead with the purchase in the next 14 days.

Routine drain cleaning complete

Recently the drain cleaning company visited for a 6-monthly inspection and clean. They found very few cockroaches in our drains and all the sewers were in good condition. The only cockroach infestation was along the ravine road and this has now been extensively treated.

Unapproved works on Urbanisation property

It has come to my attention that someone may be considering doing works on urbanisation property. I have consulted our administrator on this matter and I wish to make my position totally clear. No-one has any authority to interfere with urbanisation property without permission and certainly when it is in direct conflict with the wishes of the president and works not agreed by the AGM. If a water test is carried out or any other works done without approval then those people will be accountable for paying the bill and the HC will not pay for any unapproved works. I cannot allow a free-for-all to develop which could be to the detriment of our urbanisation as a whole.

Noisy neighbours & Barking Dogs

During the past month I have received several complaints from owners concerning disturbances caused by neighbours. This is something that seems to happen regularly and arises because a few people do not take into consideration what effect their actions  have on others. The first problem is people socialising (and no doubt under the effect of alcohol getting louder and louder) on their patios late into the evening and night. Sound travels a great distance at night and can be particularly annoying for people trying to sleep and having their windows open. The other problem is barking dogs. Some dog owners leave their animals unattended for hours or leave them on patios allowing them to bark at anyone or anything passing.  This is obviously particularly annoying to any near neighbour. I have discussed these problems with our administrator who recommends that people should report such incidents directly to police who will attend and deal with the situation – no doubt more effectively than a letter from me as president. The local police in Orihuela Costa can be contacted on 649900304 (mobile) and 966760000 (landline). Apparently a quicker and more effective response is achieved by calling the mobile phone number.

Garden rubbish dumped in Urbanisation road

It has come to my attention that an owner has abandoned garden rubbish in an urbanisation road. This is against urbanisation rules and taken seriously because it detracts from the area as a whole. This is part of an email I have received from an owner: “Last Saturday whilst the market was on, someone in our urbanisation cut back their palm tree(s) and left the rubbish by the community’s green bin which had been moved onto our roadway whilst the market was on. I can fully understand this for that time. “However the council cleaners moved the bin back into the road and whoever it was that left their garden rubbish has not moved it to the roadside by the bin. The rubbish is still on our roadway and I find this unacceptable that the person responsible has not been back and moved it.”

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Dogs barking continuously breaks Community rules

I have today (Sunday, May 19th) received several complaints from owners about three dogs which were left in a garden in the community, barking almost continuously throughout for six hours. Not only was this extremely annoying for all owners, occurring right through siesta,  it was obviously distressing to the dogs, left in this condition during the hottest period of the day. As a result I have instructed our administrator to send an official warning to the owner in this matter and have also instructed her to warn the owner that if it happens again police will be called. We have strict urbanisation rules governing this anti social behaviour and for the benefit of all residents I am including the relevant rules and the consequences for any owner not obeying them. =&0=&

Builder’s skip not yet removed

For several weeks a builder’s skip has been on our urbanisation while work has taken place on two properties. The work was completed before Easter but the skip has not been removed. Sadly these skips, if left for any length of time, attract fly tipping and this skip is no exception. It’s attracted sheets of polystyrene, cardboard and assorted rubbish to be dumped despite the skip being full to the brim. As a result this has been blowing up and down the road leaving a dreadful mess, leading to several complaints.