Category: Finance

Community reserve funds

At the 2018 AGM it was agreed to put our reserve funds (to be used in the event of an emergency) into an interest-earning deposit account. Although this may be possible to do in several countries in Europe, in Spain it is not only impossible; any account we have incurs charges. I have been asked by a house owner what we have done to implement the AGM resolution. The simple answer is nothing. I am not prepared to open a second account which will drain our community of funds with additional bank charges. The last thing I want to see is our money being drained by the banks. Our administrator knows of our need to build an effective reserve and administers our funds with this in mind. However, if any owner knows of a bank which is prepared to pay interest on a deposit account I would be interested to hear the details – provided that it does not put any of our community money at risk.

Part 2 of Legal tips when buying or selling

Further to our initial post on Legal tips when buying or selling property, we received very helpful feedback from an owner on our Community who works in the industry.

“I just read the email this morning regarding selling/buying property . I am involved in the property business here for many years now and was surprised that properties were sold with community arrears in place, this harks back to the good old days of ten to fifteen years ago when notarys turned a blind eye to these things. All notarys are legally bound to be in possession of a community certificate which should come from the administrators of the urbanisation where the property is located …..


We opened a joint account with the garage community to pay for water leak repairs and this had to be periodically topped up to pay bills when they became due. Not all the allocated cash needed to be read more