Category: News

A reminder of pool rules

Hello Everyone
I would like to send a reminder of a few of the rules of the pools that are not always being complied with. The pool opening times are 0900 to 2100.  If anyone is in the pool after 2100 they will be asked to leave. Can everyone please use the sanitizer provided and clean areas they use before leaving the pool. Such as shower areas, rails and pool edges where they may have sat or lay on.
Footwear to be worn at all times when not in the pools.
No toys in the pools this includes balls and water pistols and inflatables (inflatables for small children for the aid of swimming/ floating only allowed).
Please only book one hour sessions.  If there is no one booked in for a session then a further session can be booked.
Once a session is booked and you cannot attend your must cancel that session so that someone else can use it.
Finally if you do not attend within the first 10 minutes of your booked session then it can be cancelled and used by other pool users.
We need to be fair to everyone that wishes to use the pools.

Pool opening times

Hello everyone

Hope you are all keeping safe and well.
The pools have been open almost a week now and community members have been offering their opinions on the sessions and opening hours.
I am very willing to listen to your opinions and act accordingly.
It has therefore been decided to change the opening hours of the pools from 0900 to 1800 to 0900 to 2100 from Thursday 23 July. Each session will now be one hour duration and will offer more flexibility to pool users.
The rota of the pool sessions will be every three days. This is to prevent some pool users from booking weeks in advance.
The new rota will be put out on the third day of the old rota.
Can I please remind all pool users that they must wipe down every area they have touched. That is the shower area and hand rails. A mop and bucket hand sanitizer and paper towels are provided.

Pool opening rules

Hello Everyone

You should have all received notification from AGM regarding the pools.

The pools will be opening on 15 July 2020 and hours of opening will be 0900 until 1800.
There will be a cleaning station in each pool. This station will contain hand sanitizer and a mop and bucket contains disinfectant to clean the shower area. The pool area will be cleaned every morning by the Community’s Maintenance Company.
The maximum number of people per session allowed will be:-
Western pool 7 Eastern pool. 6
Each session will be a maximum of two hours and the final session will be one hour. (This is open to change subject to demand). Any unused sessions can be booked by pool users nearer the time of that session The use of face masks is mandatory Users must shower and apply hand sanitizer before entering the pool. On leaving the pool users must clean the areas steps, shower, taps and handrails. All children must be accompanied by an adult and no inflatables or toys are allowed in the pools. Footwear must be worn at all times around the pool.
A four day list of sessions (15 to 18 July) will be placed in each pool area prior to 15 July for pool users to add their house number, name and number in their party. Each house is allowed a maximum of one session per day unless there are unused sessions that can be booked nearer to the time of the unused session.
On 18 July two clip boards will be attached to the pool gates for the next two days sessions for pool users to add their details.  The clipboards will be updated every two days between 10 and 11 am.
Can everyone please be mindful of the rules and be fair to other pool users. Regards Jos

Opening of swimming pools

Hello Everyone

I write to advise that both swimming pools will be opening from 15th July. Due to Coronavirus and Government Restrictions placed on pools  there will be a limit on the number of people in the pools at one time.
There will be cleaning solutions available for everyone using the pools to use after getting out of the pools. Shoes/sandals will have to be worn at all time whilst in the pool areas. The pool areas will be cleaned every morning before opening by the Community’s maintenance company
People living around the Eastern pool please refrain from sitting around the pool if it is not your allotted time to use the pool.
To give me some idea of how many people who will want to use the pools, it would be helpful if you could let me know.  So that I can make this fair to everyone.

Potential opening of pools

Hello All
Everyone should have received an email from AGM the Administrators regarding the potential opening of the pools in the community.  If you have not then please email or telephone 966730900
Can you please make sure you send in your preferred choice by 12 June by email or by telephone.
It is the Government that is imposing the rules on the pools and not the community and they have to be adhered to for everyone’s safety. Fines for not obeying the government can be from 600 euros upwards. The cost of maintaining the pools has been quoted at approximately 12 euros per hour plus IVA. The Administrators have received several quotes for the work.  However we can not justify paying all of this money out of the community funds when other maintenance work will be need to be carried out.
The only alternative would be to increase the community fees at the AGM or to ask residents to pay a contribution to the costs.  Please let me know your thoughts on this. We don’t know at the moment what costs will apply for the month of September. The choice is yours so please use your vote wisely. Stay safe

Hanne Saladin

It is with sadness I have today to report the death of one of our residents, Hanne Saladin. Hanne, a Swiss German, has lived on the urbanisation for many years and served as president about seven years ago. She died in Torrevieja Hospital having been taken there by ambulance earlier this week. Tony Mayes

Possible problem with rats

Hello everyone
I hope you are all well and safe.
Unfortunately it has been reported to me by one our residents that they have a problem with a rat in their garden area. The resident has also seen the rats on the roadway and a feral cat has caught a rat in the neighbours garden. The resident has called in a pest control company And they are dealing with the problem.
The Pest Control Company do not expect that it came from the open ground opposite our urbanisation as it has been months since this was disturbed and they found no trace coming from there.
The Company believe that the problem is due to the lack of human activity lately which has allowed that rats to have more freedom and become extremely active at present. The Company advised that the number one cause of rats in homes that have pets as food and water is readily available and is sometimes left outside.
Therefore can I please ask everyone to be extra vigilant and please do not leave food or water outside your property and be mindful of leaving outside doors open at this time.
If the problem persists we may have to use the services of a Pest Control Company however I am mindful that residents do have pets.
Can I please ask all residents to inform me of any problems that they may have with vermin.

Face masks to be worn in public spaces

We have received this notice from the UK Consular Office from the Spanish government. While thankfully, both new cases and deaths in Spain from coronavirus is rapidly decreasing, it is vital that people continue to act sensibly and wear masks as follows…

From May 21, the use of face masks will be obligatory to anyone over the age of 6 years old in all public spaces in Spain, where it is not possible to maintain social distancing of 2 metres. read more

Partial reopening of street markets

I have learned that our local Saturday market is to partially re-open this coming Saturday, May 16th, but there will only be 10 stalls operating, selling food only. We also publish the list of other markets in the area which operate on different days of the week and this information would be useful to keep, to use  when we are out of lock down and we can travel more freely again.
As from this Monday, May 11th, restaurants and bars will be permitted to re-open but to serve only in outside terraces and provided they can safely operate observing the 2 metre distance rule.
I am pleased to report that our local area is one which has experienced far fewer cases and deaths from coronavirus than other parts of Spain – but only by observing the rules and keeping a safe distance from eachother can this be maintained.  It’s important for us to always remember that the virus is still present in Spain.
Click here to view Markets in Orihuela Costa

Pool & Garden maintenance during lockdown

Hello Everyone I hope you are all keeping well and safe in these uncertain times. Hopefully things will slowly improve for all of us if we maintain our distancing and be guided by the rules that are set to keep us all safe. As part of the Government guidance it has been decided to lock all Community Pool  areas as they cannot be used.  Once we have clear advice the Pools will be available for use. All maintenance and gardening of the Pool areas will continue in this lockdown period. I am currently on lockdown in the UK as my return flight to Spain was cancelled.  I will return to Spain as soon as I can. Be assured if you have any queries please contact me and I will deal with them to the best of my ability. Stay well and keep safe. Best wishes

Debby Penny

It is with much sadness I have to give owners the news that today I have learned that Debby Penny, who lived with her father, Terry, at casa 1750, has died. Debbie was aged 54 and has two adult children both in the UK. She was also a grandmother. I want to stress that Debbie did not die as a result of the coronavirus, she had multiple health problems and was taken ill at her home earlier this week and was taken to hospital by ambulance. Because of the dreadful time we are all living through, Debbie’s family will not be able to attend any funeral, and only Terry will be able to attend – although we will make a request for him to be helped and supported by us at this sad time. Tony Mayes, immediate past president.

Bench restoration complete

The remembrance bench at the eastern pool has now been restored and is back in place. Woodwork which had become rotten has been replaced and the bench has been repainted. This has saved the community around €200 compared with the cost of replacement and delivery. The work has been done by Norman Brunt and Eileen and Tony Mayes. The bench has another memorial plaque in memory of Doreen Morley who died last year.

Hedge removal from Western pool

Hello Everyone
Finally the removal of the hedge around the Western Pool has now been completed.
I would sincerely like to thank Kay, Manuel, Marion, Ron, Barry, Cath, Sylvia, Dave and Augusto for all their very hard work over the last few weeks to enable us to accomplish this.
The fence surrounding the pool is in remarkably good condition considering it has been covered by an ivy hedge for the past 20 years.

Barking Dogs on our Urbanisation

Happy New Year to everyone.
Sadly I have to report further complaints about barking dogs and dogs allowed to run loose on our urbanisation.
Some Owners are leaving their dogs outside and they bark at everyone and everything that passes by.  This constant dog barking is causing annoyance and upset to their neighbours.
Our administrator advises that if this continues to go on then owners should telephone our local police who we are told will make a prompt visit and if justified will take appropriate action with the dog owner(s) concerned.
Thank you

Christmas greetings from the President

Greetings to all community members I would like to wish everyone a peaceful and Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. I look forward to meeting with you next year. When hopefully we can arrange a few social events.  I would like to hear from you with any ideas you may have. Best wishes to you all. Jos