Category: News


Hello to everyone. I would like to give a few updates and some suggestions of what we would like to do on the community.

The AGM Minutes have been approved and should be sent out to you very soon.  I apologise for the delay in sending these out.  A date for your diaries is the 29 September 2020 for next years AGM.

Purchase of a new memorial bench.  Norman has very kindly offered to refurbish the existing bench saving the Community the cost of purchasing a new one.
Work will commence on Monday 9 December on the drain on the northern walkway to prevent leaks into the garage below. This work will take approximately 3 days to complete. There may  be some noise during the day to the houses below for this period.
We are starting to get quotes for the removal of the hedge around the western pool and to replace this with a metal fence.  The work will be carried out sometime between January and February.  As agreed at the AGM anyone who is available to be part of the working party to help carry the hedge away once it has been cut will be greatly appreciated. (More news on this to follow).
We now have a forum on our website. This is a closed forum to residents only. It can be used to make suggestions and offer advice to other residents. Please make use of the facility.
This is your Community and I would like all of you to be part of it and get to know your neighbours.  I would like to hear your thoughts on how can we do this.  Coffee mornings, card games,  going out for a menu del dia, street parties, karaoke parties. Please give me your thoughts and ideas. Maybe set up an entertainment committee.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate all your thoughts and ideas.
You can contact the President directly or send a message by clicking  below.

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A Website Guide : Keeping In Touch

Following recent upgrades to our website it has never been easier to keep up to date with Urbanisation issues or chat with others wherever you are in the world. We now have many ways in which you can contact the President, chat to other homeowners or share your views with simple to use website features at your fingertips.

If you take a look at them below I’m sure we’ll hear from you very soon !

Our chat forum

Our very own chat forum is a private online discussion place only for homeowners on our Urbanisation. Chat with others wherever you are, seek advice or offer assistance to those who need it. A simple one off registration is all you need to gain access to our forum then sit back and chat.

Comment on website articles

It has always helpful to get feedback on urbanisation issues and events but now you are able to offer immediate feedback by commenting on the news item we publish on the website.

Share your news and views

We have a wealth of knowledge and expertise on our Urbanisation which is why we encourage everybody to share their views and news with others. The Contact Us section of the website offers homeowners the chance to do this by simply filling out the form. You can even attach files, photos or videos especially useful for sharing those travel stories or helpful hints.

Signup to our newsletter

To keep up to date with everything that is happening then homeowners can signup to our newsletter by keying in their email address in the sign up form. Every time a news item is published it will be emailed to subscribers immediately so that they are never out of touch. If you are already signed up then tell your friends and neighbours.

Further information on how to use any of these features is described below.


We now have a chat forum !

Due to popular demand we have implemented a chat forum on our website so that our homeowners can chat with each other and offer help and advice on Community matters and things in general. This is a private forum visible only to homeowners on our Urbanisation so you will need to register initially and then, upon approval, all you have to do is login and post your discussion.
To begin a discussion thread just create a new topic title (eg “How do you fix roller shutters ?”) followed by any further detail and wait for the helpful replies ! To contribute to other discussion topics simply click the Reply button and type your comment.
The purpose of this forum is to offer help and advice to fellow residents so members will need to adhere to a set of forum rules to ensure posts are polite and respectful to others. Moderators will not tolerate profanities or abuse and members contravening the rules will be banned or blocked.
You can visit the forum via the “Our Forum” menu on the homepage of our website. Enjoy !

New memorial seat for Eastern Pool

The memorial seat in the eastern pool is in need of replacing. it was provided for the community many years ago in memory of the wife of an owner. He has requested that his plaque is placed on a new seat and we have another owner who would wish a plaque he is buying to be placed there in memory of his wife. The seat we are considering buying costs about €115 (delivery extra). If anyone has any alternative options please let us know, similarly if anyone has an objection, let us know. If we have a favourable response we will go ahead with the purchase in the next 14 days.

AGM : Summary of Meeting

Hello to all Playa Flamenca X Community. I would like to introduce myself as your president for the coming year. My name is Jocelyn Whitehouse and I live at casa 1764. We also have a Vice President Barry Dutton and a committee of three. I would like to keep this brief and will speak further once the minutes of AGM have been issued.
A brief summary of the meeting is as follows:
Due to many complaints regarding the cleaning and maintenance of the community our Administrator has asked for all your complaints to be sent to her. She will then have a meeting with maintenance company. A working party has been set up to assist in the removal of the hedge around the western pool due to several complaints about mosquitos. A decision has been made to take court action against the debt on casa 1768. Further small work improvements were agreed and will be detailed in the minutes. I look forward to working with all community members to make this a harmonious community to live in.

Routine drain cleaning complete

Recently the drain cleaning company visited for a 6-monthly inspection and clean. They found very few cockroaches in our drains and all the sewers were in good condition. The only cockroach infestation was along the ravine road and this has now been extensively treated.