Category: Newsletter


Hello to everyone. I would like to give a few updates and some suggestions of what we would like to do on the community.

The AGM Minutes have been approved and should be sent out to you very soon.  I apologise for the delay in sending these out.  A date for your diaries is the 29 September 2020 for next years AGM.

Purchase of a new memorial bench.  Norman has very kindly offered to refurbish the existing bench saving the Community the cost of purchasing a new one.
Work will commence on Monday 9 December on the drain on the northern walkway to prevent leaks into the garage below. This work will take approximately 3 days to complete. There may  be some noise during the day to the houses below for this period.
We are starting to get quotes for the removal of the hedge around the western pool and to replace this with a metal fence.  The work will be carried out sometime between January and February.  As agreed at the AGM anyone who is available to be part of the working party to help carry the hedge away once it has been cut will be greatly appreciated. (More news on this to follow).
We now have a forum on our website. This is a closed forum to residents only. It can be used to make suggestions and offer advice to other residents. Please make use of the facility.
This is your Community and I would like all of you to be part of it and get to know your neighbours.  I would like to hear your thoughts on how can we do this.  Coffee mornings, card games,  going out for a menu del dia, street parties, karaoke parties. Please give me your thoughts and ideas. Maybe set up an entertainment committee.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate all your thoughts and ideas.
You can contact the President directly or send a message by clicking  below.

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A thankyou message from Norman

Norman Brunt, who has helped our urbanisation for a number of years (particularly during the summer months while I am in the UK) has of late been seriously ill. I am pleased to say he is now better than he was but has to regularly attend hospital and wants to thank those who have helped get him there. Anyone who knows Norman and his wife Teresa please pop in and see them and help him on the road to full recovery.

News update on unoccupied villa

I am delighted to be able to inform the community of some good news regarding the villa, number 1763, which has been abandoned for years and has been the subject of many complaints – and of course the subject of large debts to the community. Considerable work has been carried out on the property, inside and out, in recent months, giving rise to much speculation. I have on many occasions asked our previous administrator for updates with little success. Having made enquiries with workmen on site this week I was today visited by the new owner. He has explained that although he has technically owned the villa for months he has been trapped in a legal wrangle with judges in Orihuela who have put a block on the transfer of his and some 3,000 properties in the area. In the new year he hopes that this will finally be settled by the European Court and he will at last be able to have electricity, water and other services connected to the villa and finally make it habitable. He will then be in a position to clear the debts on the property which will be a useful windfall for us. May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a very happy Christmas – wherever you are spending it – and a prosperous new year.

Committee Newsletter : May 2017

This is a report to the community following the Committee meeting held on Friday 5th May 2017. The committee received the report from the surveyor/architect engaged to undertake a structural survey of the garages together with an opinion concerning the patios of houses above. The committee was pleased to hear that the surveyor could find no problems with the main support beams of the structure, which he considered totally safe. A supplemental report from him also confirmed he could see no faults with the central walkway or other works carried out in 2015 as a result of the court order requiring the housing community to effect repairs to stop leaks into a number of private garages.

The inspector was, however, critical of the lack of maintenance of patios above garages which he believes could be the reason why there is still water getting into the common areas of the garages at read more

Committee Newsletter : January 2017

Minutes of the committee of Playa Flamenca X held on Friday January 27th, 2017 . Present :  President Tony Mayes, Carol Dickons, Jos Whitehouse, Ron Thompson and Robert Bellin. Apologies from Rob Wise and Norman Brunt.

  1. The president reported that the villa, number 1763 was in the process of being purchased and the bank which owned the premises had given permission for the new owner to undertake works in the
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