Category: Social

A Website Guide : Keeping In Touch

Following recent upgrades to our website it has never been easier to keep up to date with Urbanisation issues or chat with others wherever you are in the world. We now have many ways in which you can contact the President, chat to other homeowners or share your views with simple to use website features at your fingertips.

If you take a look at them below I’m sure we’ll hear from you very soon !

Our chat forum

Our very own chat forum is a private online discussion place only for homeowners on our Urbanisation. Chat with others wherever you are, seek advice or offer assistance to those who need it. A simple one off registration is all you need to gain access to our forum then sit back and chat.

Comment on website articles

It has always helpful to get feedback on urbanisation issues and events but now you are able to offer immediate feedback by commenting on the news item we publish on the website.

Share your news and views

We have a wealth of knowledge and expertise on our Urbanisation which is why we encourage everybody to share their views and news with others. The Contact Us section of the website offers homeowners the chance to do this by simply filling out the form. You can even attach files, photos or videos especially useful for sharing those travel stories or helpful hints.

Signup to our newsletter

To keep up to date with everything that is happening then homeowners can signup to our newsletter by keying in their email address in the sign up form. Every time a news item is published it will be emailed to subscribers immediately so that they are never out of touch. If you are already signed up then tell your friends and neighbours.

Further information on how to use any of these features is described below.



Step 1 : To join the forum first select the "Our Forum" menu option on the main screen ........



Step 2 : Select the Register button and enter your email address. Upon approval of your registration you will receive an email with your password settings. You will only need to register once so for each subsequent visit just click the login button.


Step 3 : Login using your name and password and you have access to the forum where you can join the discussion or even create your own topic for discussion.

At the bottom of each news article there is a Reply box in which you can type in your feedback. Fill out your name and email address and submit your comment for publication on the website.

To send us a message select the "Contact Us" menu option at the top the screen and fill out the form. You can attach files, photos or videos if you wish.




To signup to our newsletter just complete the subscription form (shown below) and you will receive an email notification each time we publish a news item.


We now have a chat forum !

Due to popular demand we have implemented a chat forum on our website so that our homeowners can chat with each other and offer help and advice on Community matters and things in general. This is a private forum visible only to homeowners on our Urbanisation so you will need to register initially and then, upon approval, all you have to do is login and post your discussion.
To begin a discussion thread just create a new topic title (eg “How do you fix roller shutters ?”) followed by any further detail and wait for the helpful replies ! To contribute to other discussion topics simply click the Reply button and type your comment.
The purpose of this forum is to offer help and advice to fellow residents so members will need to adhere to a set of forum rules to ensure posts are polite and respectful to others. Moderators will not tolerate profanities or abuse and members contravening the rules will be banned or blocked.
You can visit the forum via the “Our Forum” menu on the homepage of our website. Enjoy !

Can you help trace a beneficiary ?

I am seeking the help of anyone who has lived on our urbanisation for many years and who may have known the owner of house number 1773, which is almost opposite the Chinese restaurant. The name we have on record is Anton A de Tollenaere and I believe he was Belgian and died between 18 months and 2 years ago. The problem we have is that we know of no next of kin and, as far as we know, no-one has visited the house in the many months since his death. During this time we have had to have the patio cleared of dead or dying plants, and grass and weeds growing between tiles, the cost of this has been placed as a debt on the property which is now large and mounting. This property is in urgent need of attention and, in addition, a car is abandoned outside. The probability is the car is uninsured and will have no ITV and probably SUMA has not been paid. The reason for writing this is to ask any owner who may have knowledge of Mr Torrenaere’s family, next of kin, friend, in fact anyone who may help to trace a beneficiary, to let our administrator or me know. The house is in a prominent position and I don’t want to see this property deteriorate any further and the car is looking the worse for wear, with a flat tyre and I am receiving complaints.
Contact Us Here

Festive Community meal is on 11th January

Recently I posted a message about a post Christmas/New Year urbanisation get together at the New Golden City Chinese restaurant. I now learn that the restaurant will be closed for a month from mid January to mid February. I am now proposing that we hold our meal on Friday, January 11th at the same venue and same time 1.30pm. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come.

Nativity scene in Torrevieja

Every year, after the celebration of the floral tribute to the Patron of the city of Torrevieja, Purisima Inmaculada Concepcion, the municipal Nativity Scene is opened in the church square which is opposite the main building of the Town hall. The nativity scene is set on 220m2 in the church square and includes around 900 figures of which many of them are representations of Torrevieja, such as the Torre del Moro, the Eras del Sal salt loading deck and the windmill of the Calvario square. A must for visitors to the area, the municipal nativity scene should be put in everyone’s diary for at least one visit. Different stands selling typical Christmas products like chestnuts, nuts, dried fruits and toys are also set in the surrounds of this fantastic nativity scene. There will be a large Christmas tree which will light up the square with it’s colourful lights and decoration.
Furthermore there is always a celebration outside the nearby church to see the New year in and to take part people need to eat one grape each time the clock strikes at midnight.

Did you know ? Beléns are elaborate nativity scenes – Belén is the Spanish word for Bethlehem. More than just a stable with animals and figurines, the Spanish beléns can be huge scenes, read more

Press Release from CLARO

Hi all, This is a press release from CLARO, the local politicial party fighting to get basic public amenities for us on the coast.


In the twenty years leading up to the last election in 2015, the PP party had ruled Orihuela providing a dedicated Councillor for Orihuela Costa and a budget for the coast till 2011.

The following 4 read more