Charles Barr

It is with deep sadness that I write to advise you of the passing of Charles Barr a very long term resident of our Community who passed away on Thursday 13th August at Torrevieja Hospital.
Charles and his late wife Lydia were amongst the first residents to occupy this Community over 20 years ago and Lydia was one of the first presidents of the Community.  Sadly Lydia passed away several years ago.
Charles was a very friendly member of our Community and I personally had many chats with him about his and Lydia’s life in Spain and his many hobbies including his love of painting.
He will be very sadly missed.
I’m sure you would all like me to pass our thoughts and condolences to his daughter Anita husband and their family.
Anita is currently here should anyone wish to pay their respects.
No details of funeral arrangements have been advised yet and due to the Covid restrictions we will await further information.

One thought on “Charles Barr

  1. We are so sad to hear this. Charles and Lydia made us so welcome when we bought our house. I will miss seeing Charles on our future visits. Our condolences to Anita and the family.

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