Choose your builder carefully

An owner has asked us to include on this website his experience with a local builder – as a warning to others who might be tempted in this way.

During the summer he called in a builder who had done previous work for him at his home to give him an estimate for some further internal work.

The cost was €1,700 and then the builder explained he would need €800 up front to buy materials for the job. The owner sadly parted with the money.

The builder promised to start the work within a week or two – but constantly failed to appear. He made various excuses, such as waiting for the materials to arrive, and then he would let his telephone ring and ring and would not pick up the call.

The owner asked our administrator what he should do, and she managed to contact the builder by phone  – from a number the builder did not recognise – and he promised to be on site the following week, again making a string of excuses.

But he failed to appear.

Here’s the advice. Never, never part with any money as a deposit to do a job. A genuine builder has a credit line with suppliers. If he wants money up front, the chances are he has a bad credit record and that means your money is at serious risk if you give any to him before seeing any work done. Stage payments are better – but make sure that you don’t get conned into parting with more cash in advance of the work being done.

The best advice is to pay only when the job is complete and that you are satisfied that it has been done satisfactorily. And make sure you have a guarantee on the builder’s headed paper, properly signed and that the builder is legal.