Christmas Day on La Zenia beach

[countdown]The festive season reaches it’s peak on Christmas Day as thousands of people are expected to celebrate the festive season at the La Zenia beach Christmas Day party. This popular event is held annually and brings together residents and visitors from over 100 different countries with over 3,000 attendees last year.

The La Zenia beach Christmas Day party starts at 11:00 am.

The event is supported by the local Police who provide a safe environment for people to enjoy the festivities and manage the traffic around the event location. 

Orihuela Town Hall arranged for a Christmas Concert to take place on the beach with live music from 11:00 am last year, and we´re hoping that they will pull out all the stops to deliver another epic festive performance this season.

Both the La Mirada restaurant and the beach bar will be open for business as a friendly atmosphere is enjoyed by hundreds of local residents and visitors who spend the day together and celebrate this special occasion.