Christmas lunch

It is with regret we have had to cancel the Christmas lunch which we were going to have on Wednesday 14th December.

It seems that many owners are returning to their homeland earlier this year and we received apologies from a number of people saying they could not attend. We have now decided to hold a new year lunch on Tuesday, January 17th at 1pm at the same venue, the New Golden City Chinese Restaurant.

We have already received a number of  gifts for the hamper and we would be grateful if you could donate more for our raffle. We are after non-perishable food items, tinned meats, fish, etc, plus cakes and biscuits.

Money from the raffle will be spent on projects to improve the community.

Also, please could you let the President know whether you can come, so he can give numbers attending to the restaurant. Respond by completing the contact form below.

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