Committee Newsletter : February 2017

The urbanisation committee has appointed Architect 88, a Torrevieja-based company to undertake a visual inspection of the garage area, of patios and walkways above. This will be carried out in the next few weeks, the architect looking at the work undertaken by the urbanisation two years ago still under guarantee, and to advise whether or not he considers the structure structurally sound and to advise, where necessary, on measures needed to deal with any reported water leaks into the garages area. The cost is to be shared on a 50-50 basis with the garage community.

In addition to the repair work to the northern walkway and eastern steps, already agreed, the committee has agreed to get the builders to re-grout the remainder of the walkway. The reconstruction work, with a new membrane, is being done after it was discovered water was getting into the garage immediately under the steps. The cost of all works will be 2,540 euros plus IVA, shared on a 78-22 basis with the GC.

The committee was pleased to receive a report that the house owner who had been feeding several cats on her premises had now had all the cats doctored and had taken steps to stop cats straying onto neighbours’ patios and terraces. The committee re-affirmed that it is for neighbours to submit evidence to the administrator on future feral problems, necessary for any successful court action.

The committee has approved the employment of a pool supervisor recommended by the administrator to police the two pools during July and August. The cost is 6 euros per hour plus IVA and the committee agreed that supervision will take place between 11am and 5pm daily with the option of “overtime” hours if necessary. The committee stressed the supervisor will have full authority to ensure people obey pool rules, to call police in the event of problems and report problems to property owners.

Ivy has been totally removed from the railings of steps leading from the western pool to the garage area as a safety measure and the committee has agreed to have the railings cleaned and repainted.

Two owners have questioned why some street lights flash on and off several times at dusk before finally being permanently illuminated. The reason is the position of the sensor, facing downwards at the entrance to the garages and close to a street light. To cure the problem the sensor would have to be moved, but this would mean it would not be protected from the weather. The committee has agreed to take no further action.