Committee Newsletter : June 2017

The committee held a recent meeting, principally to consider action needed following the surveyor’s report into leaks into the garages during very heavy rain.

It was agreed that letters should be sent to all owners of houses above garages pointing out that the surveyor considered that leaks may be as a result of poor or non-existent maintenance of the patios at some of the properties.

The inspector’s report is published in full on this website.

The three owners who have already had their patios replaced will receive the letters for information only.

If a garage owner reports a water leak then this will be notified to the HC President and Administrator. It is the HC’s responsibility to notify the house owner in question and request remedial action be taken.

The court ruling requires that in the event of the house owner failing to deal with the matter then the HC has a legal subsidiary responsibility to have done whatever remedial measures are required and recover the cost from the house owner.

If legal action of any sort is required the HC will instigate it and fund it, again recovering the cost from the house owner/s concerned.

Arrears have been reduced by €3,000 to €13,000 which is still an unacceptable figure and owners owing money to the community are asked to resolve the matter quickly.

It was agreed to hold this year’s AGM on October 24th, at 2.30pm. The venue will be notified.