Committee Newsletter : May 2017

This is a report to the community following the Committee meeting held on Friday 5th May 2017.
The committee received the report from the surveyor/architect engaged to undertake a structural survey of the garages together with an opinion concerning the patios of houses above. The committee was pleased to hear that the surveyor could find no problems with the main support beams of the structure, which he considered totally safe.
A supplemental report from him also confirmed he could see no faults with the central walkway or other works carried out in 2015 as a result of the court order requiring the housing community to effect repairs to stop leaks into a number of private garages.

The inspector was, however, critical of the lack of maintenance of patios above garages which he believes could be the reason why there is still water getting into the common areas of the garages at times of exceptional rain. He therefore recommends that owners carry out maintenance work and the committee is currently waiting for a builder’s report giving suggestions concerning the best way to make patios watertight (or as watertight as possible). Once that is received further information will be put on the website and individual owners will receive a letter explaining the situation.

The surveyor also mentioned other more minor matters such as works to the central walkway steps, but this is not considered a priority and the garage community are not asking for this or any other minor works to be carried out at this time, because there are no reports of water getting into any private garage.

It is the GC’s view that the priority is for individual house owners to carry out maintenance to patios.

Rob Wise, as GC vice president, is arranging for the architect who oversaw the 2015 works to re-visit to carry out his own inspection immediately prior to the end of the guarantee period. Our inspector’s view is that the next structural survey should take place in two years time.

Our inspector confirmed that the fire safety equipment, means of escape and ventilation conforms with the regulations when the structure was built. The committee again considered the question of whether CO2 monitoring equipment should be installed, and has again confirmed their view that this is unnecessary. The GC is not requiring it and no-one has reported smelling car fumes either in the garages or in the houses above.

Other matters: The committee received resignations from Carol Dickons (moved away) and Rob Wise, who will continue to act in an advisory capacity when required.

Street party. It has been decided not to hold a street party in the near future because few owners are currently here and because of a lack of helpers (if anyone wants to help organise a community get-together please get in touch).

Arrears had now risen to €19,231, which is an unacceptable figure. The administrator had written to all debtors and legal action would be automatically taken against anyone owing in excess of €1,000. If you are owing money please rectify this as soon as possible. It is in your interest to do so because a €40 fee (€80 in a full year) is charged to cover the costs of chasing debtors.