Committee Newsletter : Nov 2017

The urbanisation committee met on November 24th and confirmed a priority list of works to be undertaken on the community during 2017/18.

Works will be undertaken in this order:

1. Remedial works and painting on the western and eastern flank walls of the garages (metal work under one patio only to stop water seeping down the wall and creating algae)

2. Tiling to create walkways at the western swimming pool so that people no longer have to walk over grass from the shower to the pool.

3. Waste paper bins at the postbox and at the north western end of the community (actual sites to be decided)

4. Painting of the balustrade along northern walkway, electric and water boxes (this may have to be a 2-year programme depending on cost)

5. Road drainage channel along the eastern inner road.

There is now agreement that improvement work for the garages will be on a 22-88% split on cost.

It was agreed that copies of community and pool rules will be sent to all owners early in the new year in Spanish, English and German with a covering letter from the president emphasising the need for all within the urbanisation, owners, guests, family members and renters to obey the rules and consider neighbours, and not to use the urbanisation as a holiday camp.

The committee accepted a recommendation from the president to invite the newly-elected president of the garages to a future meeting with a view to discuss a possible merger of the housing and garage communities.

If any owner has any views of this matter, would they please make those known to the president.

It was also agreed to have a community lunch in January, at the nearby Chinese restaurant on a date to be announced.