Our Forum

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Our Forum

This is a private forum visible only to owners of homes on the Urbanisation Playa Flamenca X. An an online discussion place to provide help and support to fellow residents. To begin a discussion thread just create a new topic title (eg "How do you fix roller shutters ?") followed by any further detail and wait for the helpful replies !

This is the first time we have launched anything like this so careful moderation will be in place at least for the initial transition so please be patient if your posts are not published immediately. Moderation will also monitor for profanities, personal abuse and inappropriate comments.

Forum Rules and Disclaimer

You must be polite and respectful to other members and do not post any offensive, obscene, deliberately provocative, inflammatory or unlawful material or text. Moderators will be monitoring posts and members who do not abide by these rules will be blocked. Postings made by members are personal opinions and not those belonging to the Urbanisation. By using this forum you consent to adhere to these rules.