Community News

Western Pool Closure due to Dog Fouling

Dear owners,

Further to my previous message regarding dog fouling of our community walkways. We also have selfish and inconsiderate residents who think that it is ok to let their dog defecate on the Western Pool grass area. 

This behaviour is not only selfish and disgusting but is also thoughtless and unhygienic for other residents wanting to use the pool. 

Therefore the gates of the pooI, outside of the official opening hours, will be closed with a chain and lock.

Could I also ask that all owners that witness their neighbours walking their dogs in community areas such as walkways or the pool area who do not pick up their dogs faeces, please advise the Administrators. Then an official complaint can be made with the Guardia Civil.

If this problem continues, then the Guardia will be notified and they will take action against the offending resident.

Jocelyn Whitehouse


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Irresponsible Dog Owners


I am very disappointed to have to write to you regarding the irresponsible dog owners on our community.

There have been a number of times dog faeces have been found in the walkways of our community.

As we are a gated community the culprits can only be dog owners within our Urbanisation.

It is apparent from the amount of faeces that this is a small dog or dogs.

Can I ask the irresponsible owners to please clean up after their animals as by not doing this, it is being disrespectful to every home owner. Why should anyone have to tolerate this behaviour.

Names of the suspected culprits have been mentioned to me so I ask you directly via this message to clear up your dogs mess.

I would also like to point out that the dogs are not allowed in the pool areas. Please do not allow you dogs to defacate in these areas.


Jos Whitehouse


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Eastern Pool has now reopened

Good Morning All

I am pleased to advise you that the Eastern Pool has now reopened as of today.

The pool pump has been repaired under guarantee.  Unfortunately it has taken over a week to clean and get the chemical balances correct in the pool for use.

That is should anyone wish to swim in the much cooler water temperatures !


Jos Whitehouse


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News Update : Eastern Pool problems

Hello Everyone,

I write to advise that we have been having problems with the water quality in the eastern pool.

This is due to a fault within the pool pump. The bearings in the pump will need replacing.  However the pump is still within the guarantee and the provider of the pump has been contacted to deal with the fault.

This may take several weeks to resolve. 

The Eastern pool therefore will remain closed until the pump has been repaired and reinstalled.

The Western pool is fully functional and can be used if anyone is brave enough to swim in the cooler water temperatures this time of year.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify you again once the eastern pool reopens.


Jos Whitehouse


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Problems with the Eastern Pool

Yesterday, you should have received an email from the Administrator with news about the Eastern pool but just in case you didn’t here is a reminder of what they said

There were problems over the weekend with the Eastern pool making it very dirty. This is because the pool pump has failed and, therefore, the water has not been cleaned properly.

Yesterday, the maintenance company came to carry out treatment, clean the water and restore the levels. It was expected to take effect throughout the day. However, until the motor is fixed and reinstalled, the pool will be closed, as the values necessary to make it safe for bathers cannot be ensured.

It is therefore completely prohibited to access or bathe in the pool until further notice. If anyone wants to swim, please, use the west pool.

If you didn’t receive this email from the Administrator then please contact them to check whether you are on their mailing list otherwise you may miss out on important updates to Community News.

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Minutes of our recent AGM are available

Just a quick note to let everybody know that the minutes from our recent AGM are available. They provide in detail the outcome of the voting as well as the President's report, Presentation of the Accounts and a reminder of procedures for property modifications and extensions. A reminder was also issued to respect the community rules and there was a discussion regarding owner's responsibility for renting their property

Any other business discussed access and use of the existing security gates.

Our Administrator has emailed a copy to all of our residents but if you have not received the email then please contact them for a copy.

The date of the next AGM was also agreed and published.



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Cockroach Treatment

Our Administrator (AGM) has received a complaint from one of our residents about cockroaches so they arranged for cockroach treatment to be done in all community spaces, pipes, drains and manholes

Apparently several properties were affected but they didn't notify the Administrator that they had cockroach problems. As treatment had already been carried out in all the relevant community areas, AGM are now asking all owners who still have cockroach problems to please notify them so that the committee can assess if a new and more extensive treatment (with a different company) is needed or if they are private isolated cases.

If you have cockroach problems please notify AGM prior to 6th of November. 

Based on the feedback, the committee will make a final decision if a private company will be hired for a more extensive treatment.

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Pepco opens new store near Zenia Boulevard

Pepco continued it’s expansion in Spain last week by opening a new store near Zenia Boulevard. The new shop is situated next to the old Generali Office in La Zenia in the same shopping centre area as Lidl and the old Mercadona

For those not familiar with Pepco they are a European chain of discount shops offering a wide selection of low cost home and fashion products for the home and all the family. You can even find those familiar British products such as Bisto gravy, HP Sauce and English mustard !

Whatever you are looking for it’s worth popping in anyway to browse the range of clothes, food, homeware, toys, personal care, toiletries, cleaning products, bedding, pictures, candles and jewellery.

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Reminder of Community Rules

Hello Everyone,

As we are coming into a busy summer period I thought it would help to remind owners and their renters of the current community rules. A copy of the Community Rules and the Pool Rules can be viewed by clicking on the icon below.

Community Rules

Can I also remind everyone of our Administrators contact details as follows:-

AGM c.c. Zeniamar, Calle Abeto 03189 Orihuela Costa. Tel 96 673 09 00 email

Should you have any queries regarding the community or pools you can contact them direct.

Enjoy the lovely weather


Jos Whitehouse



It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the death of Pilar from Casa 1758 today.

She was a very private person who lived alone and not a lot is known about her family.

Once we have details read more

Anybody lost a purse ?

A leather purse has been found on road 22 containing a small amount of lose change.

Please contact me via email if this purse belongs to you.


Jos Whitehouse
