Community Newsletter

Update for the community from the President.

Much of the time of our June Committee Meeting was taken up discussing the anti-social behaviour of a few home owners causing problems to others.

These can be summed up by problems caused by cars, vans and trailers and people making undue and unnecessary noise.

Firstly cars. There are far fewer available car parking places in interior roads than there are home owners, and this shortage of space is causing increasing problems. Firstly we have seen an increase in the number of people leaving their cars and vans in urbanisation roads for months on end while they are living elsewhere.

We have a large vehicle with a flat tyre now a total eyesore left so long in the ravine road there’s a bush growing over it. We have a car left for months while the owner is abroad. It is highly unlikely that these vehicles can be legally driven on Spanish roads.

We have people leaving trailers parked up for days if not weeks taking up spaces and an ex-London highly-decorated eyesore taxi which has not been taken off our urbanisation for months. We will be putting notices on all these vehicles asking their owners to make alternative arrangements for their vehicles.

And because of a shortage of interior road space it is totally unreasonable for home owners to park more than one vehicle in the road. And for those owners who live on the ravine road and who have an interior garage space, a garage and masses of room to park on the ravine road why take spaces away from people living on or near the interior roads?

An item will be included on the AGM agenda aimed at toughening community rules to try to put an end to this anti-social behaviour. Another matter of concern is the speed at which a few drivers use the interior roads. The committee is considering erecting maximum 15km speed limit signs and to have this limit included in community rules. But first we will be asking drivers to be more considerate. The last thing we want to hear is that a child has been knocked over by a thoughtless driver.

In addition would owners please bear in mind that noise travels a long way and if you socialise on your patios late in the evening it can seriously upset neighbours, some of whom could be elderly and/or with serious medical conditions and the last thing they need is to be woken in the small hours. If you have visitors leaving after about 11pm please ask them to leave quietly!

It’s more crucial now to keep the noise down because people have their windows open during the summer months.

The committee has agreed to hold the AGM this year on October 26th at the Chinese Restaurant, first call 2pm., second call 2.30pm.

Tony Mayes, President.