Community Newsletter

The urbanisation committee met recently and have agreed to recommend to the AGM two items to be included in the capital budget.

The first is further tiling of the area around the western pool. This is the third stage of improvements to this pool, the first was an improved shower, the second was a pathway from the shower to the northern gate and the new works will be a one metre tiled area around the pool and a pathway from the shower to the western gate. The object of this is to reduce the amount of dirt being carried from people’s feet when they walk across grass into the pool. People should shower every time but some don’t. The other work is to fill in the gap between the roadway and the garage wall along the northern roadway. This would be filled with asphalt to tie in with the road.

We are taking steps to open a special bank deposit account, hopefully bearing interest, into which money can be deposited for use only in emergencies. We have to bear in mind the urbanisation is getting older and emergency repairs might arise in the future.

Tiles have been disappearing on the steps of both pools, the worst being in the eastern pool. Both steps were tiled well within the past three years, and we will be chasing the company involved to effect repairs under their guarantee.

There will be an item on the AGM agenda asking owners to include a new clause in the community rules concerning car parking. The urbanisation have had increasing problems of untaxed and unlicensed vehicles being left for months if not years on interior roads, of owners arriving with vehicles and trailers and taking valuable interior parking space, an eyesore, highly decorated, ex-London taxi left in various places within the urbanisation, people parking with total disregard for the needs of elderly and disabled and people parking in congested interior roads when they can park almost if not just as close to their homes in less congested roads.

The urbanisation’s administration and I will be drawing up the full agenda in the next few weeks to be sent out to owners in good time. We will also be asking all owners to supply their email addresses, telephone numbers and any addresses outside the urbanisation to the administration so we have a full and up-to-date record of everyone. The reason for this is that we have found some owners have moved or changed email addresses without letting the administrator know.