Damage to a property owner’s wall

Hello Everyone

I write to inform everyone that unfortunately damage has been caused to an owner’s wall by a car owner.

This happened late at night and to date no one has admitted to doing this.

If you have any information please contact myself or our administrators AGM.

I would like to think that all our home owners and their visitors would be respectful to their neighbours and admit to any accidental damage that may occur.

There is a problem with speeding vehicles on our community and I would ask that you please keep your speed down when entering the community roads.

Also at the recent AGM it was approved to commence the first stage of gating the community.  The pedestrian gates on the walkways on the Calle 22 and the road next to the Chinese Restaurant will be installed within a couple of months and everyone will be notified of the issuing of keys before they are installed.

Work will also commence on the area around the Western Pool before the summer to improve the fencing.

The AGM minutes will be issued shortly.

I hope to see you over the coming months

