Disregarding Pool Rules : A Safety Concern for Everyone

As the summer season is in full swing, it has come to our attention that a number of individuals have been disregarding pool rules at our community pool. In particular, people have been observed walking along the wall with the small fence and climbing into the western pool area. While it may seem harmless, it is crucial to remember that these rules exist for the safety and enjoyment of everyone.

Safety is our top priority. The pool rules are designed to protect swimmers and ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors. Walking along the wall or climbing into restricted areas not only puts the individual at risk but also endangers other pool-goers. Accidents can happen in an instant, and a simple slip or fall could result in serious injury.

We understand the desire to have fun and cool off during these hot summer months, but we implore everyone to adhere to the pool rules by using the gates provided. Anybody who does not have a key is not allowed access to the pool area.

These guidelines help maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all community members. We want everyone to enjoy their time at the pool without putting themselves or others at risk.

To ensure a fun and secure experience for all visitors, we would like to remind everyone of the following :

  1. Refrain from walking along the wall with the small fence.
  2. Do not climb into the pool area.
  3. Follow all pool rules and guidelines provided.
  4. Be mindful of other swimmers and maintain appropriate behaviour in and around the pool.

For homeowners renting out their properties, please take a moment to remind your clients of these responsibilities as well.

Here is a reminder of our pool rules for your reference.

By working together and following the pool rules, we can create a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Let’s make this summer a memorable one for all the right reasons !