Dogs barking continuously breaks Community rules

I have today (Sunday, May 19th) received several complaints from owners about three dogs which were left in a garden in the community, barking almost continuously throughout for six hours.
Not only was this extremely annoying for all owners, occurring right through siesta,  it was obviously distressing to the dogs, left in this condition during the hottest period of the day.
As a result I have instructed our administrator to send an official warning to the owner in this matter and have also instructed her to warn the owner that if it happens again police will be called.
We have strict urbanisation rules governing this anti social behaviour and for the benefit of all residents I am including the relevant rules and the consequences for any owner not obeying them.
Article 6: “Owners of pets must keep them under control at all times, and dog owners must ensure that barking is kept to an absolute minimum. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times within the community. All dog owners must clean up after any mess caused by their dogs on community roads and walkways.
Article 11: In the event of any contravention of the community rules, the administrator, on instruction by the president will, in accordance with Articles 18 of the Horizontal Property Law invite the accused person, by a certified document, to respect the rules. The president and committee and any house holder is authorised to call to the attention of the offender the rules of the community.
In the case of continuing offending, following warnings above, the administrator, on instruction of the president and/or governing committee, will commence legal action in accordance with Article 7.2 of the New Law of Modification of Horizontal Property Law of March 18, 1999, which allows judges to order the eviction of an owner for a maximum of three years, depending on the nature of the contravention.”