EGM on Monday 5th November

As many of you know, our AGM this year ended in disarray, with no president or vice president elected, and with only three people volunteering to be on a 2018/19 committee. In addition our administrator absented herself from the meeting prior to its conclusion.

The consequence of this is that our urbanisation is in effect illegal under Spanish law. We have to rectify this situation as quickly as possible. For example, we have no access to our bank account.

I have personally interviewed administrators from two companies operating within two miles (3.5km) of our urbanisation –their identities being made known to me by owners, and thanks for this. Both have their merits and both I could recommend. Both are far less expensive than our previous administrator so there will be a saving in costs.

Most importantly, both of these administrators say that we should have had an administrator who takes control of the day-to-day running of our community – getting tried and tested companies to do the street cleaning and general maintenance and also pool maintenance, repair, etc.

Sadly, down the years, it has been for past presidents and me, while I was president, to try to run our community as best they can. Obviously, that state of affairs leads to conflict and division – the very last thing we want.

So, whatever administrator we choose, we have to change the way this urbanisation operates, so that if people have a problem their first port of call is the administrator. Under Horizontal Law the president is in effect a figurehead, representing our urbanisation in legal matters and other situations and that is all. He or she is not there to deal with everyone’s day-to-day problems.

The (volunteer) president is not there to deal with every minor problem someone has. That’s what the administrator is paid for.

The most important thing for us to do now is to hold an EGM so that we can appoint an administrator and a president. In law there is no need for a vice president or a committee, however, this urbanisation may decide to have one or both. Once in position, our new administrator can begin to deal with outstanding problems.

The EGM is to be held on November 5th at 1pm at the usual venue, the New Golden City Chinese Restaurant in Calle Nicholas de Bussi (unless otherwise stated on this website or on the noticeboard). I personally hope that at this meeting owners will have more respect for each-other than was displayed at the AGM.

At this stage if anyone wants to volunteer for any position, president, vice president or committee member please make themselves known through this website.