Feral Cats

As at November 28th 2016 we have restarted our neutering/spaying of feral and semi-feral cats on our community. A cat trap will be placed in various places on the community and when a cat is caught it will be taken to a local vet. Then it will be checked for fitness and then sterilised. To show it has been sterilised a small nip is taken from an ear. We then collect the cat and release it back on the community.

The object is to keep the number of cats here under control and also to ensure the feral cats we have here are healthy. One black cat we have seen appears full of disease and we hope to catch this cat soon, so it does not spread infections to other cats including domesticated ones.

Feral cats are useful on communities as they control other pests but their numbers need controlling as they can quickly get out of control.