Final Security Gates shared between Playa Flamenca IX and X

You should have all received the “yes” results of the votes on the final gates to be installed forwarded to you by AGM.
The gates are now in the processing of being ordered.
The gates will then be fabricated in June and sent to the galvanisers in July which will take roughly 2 to 3 weeks.
The manufacturers are not happy to fit the gates until the beginning of September due to the busy traffic on that road during the busy tourist season. As the access will be closed for two days whilst the installing and cement works takes place.
However we will have the new pedestrian gates keys available soon. That will be one key per property which has been included in the cost of the gates. Further keys can be purchased later.
The existing gate fobs for Playa Flamenca X can be used by pressing the fourth button on the fob. Further fobs for our community only can be obtained from our administrators. Playa Flamenca IX will be issued with their own fob for the gate.
Block 5 that is the community over the Irish pub and Chinese restaurant will not have access to this gate.
Once this gate has been installed it should alleviate the amount of busy traffic on this road because vehicles and people using this road that do not currently have keys or fobs for the rest of our community.
If you should have any queries please contact our administrators AGM.

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