Information update on electricity tariffs : Variable & Fixed

In June this year changes were made to electricity tariffs such that there are now three price slots ranging from peak to off peak :

P1 (Punta) is the peak timeslot 10am to 2pm & 6pm to 10pm

P2 (Llano) is medium 8am to 10am & 2pm to 6pm

P3 (Valle) is from midnight to 8am

However, depending on how you use your electricity, your bills could still become expensive if you have remained on the variable rate. This is because energy is currently on the increase and you will always be charged the latest rate on that particular day. For example, today’s rates being charged by Iberdrola are :

P1 at €0.35 per kWh

P2 at €0.30 per kWh

P3 at €0.25 per kWh

These figures, though, are not displayed on a Variable rate bill which makes it difficult to check what you are using and how much it is costing.

The good news is you gain control of your bill by switching to an all day fixed price plan.

This can be done by visiting the Iberdola office at Los Dolces (by MacDonalds). The staff, who are very friendly and helpful, will find the best plan for you. For example today, they were able to switch me to a fixed one year, all day rate of €0.20 which is even cheaper than P3 on variable rate. The added benefit is you don’t have to worry about the time slots of when you are using certain appliances.

When you visit the office remember to take your passport as well as a recent bill and they will handle the switch for you. It is switched over within 24 hours.

Kind Regards,

Website Admin