Installation of security gates on road 26

Hola everyone,

This is a further reminder to everyone in our Community regarding parking.

Phase 2 of the installation of the security gates on Calle Nicolas Du Bussi will take place on Road 26 on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 March 2023.

Can I ask that all residents parking on this road who wish to use their vehicles for these dates please park their cars on Calle Nicholas Du Bussi.

There will be new signs on the gates advising that parking in the community is for residents only with no visitor parking available.  All Commercial vehicles will only be allowed access for unloading and loading.

There will also be a sign advising of Casa numbers for that particular entrance.

The final phase of security gates on road 24 on Calle Nicholas Du Bussi will take place within the next 2 to 3 months.

Anyone requiring fobs at a cost of 40 euros each can obtain them from our Administrators AGM Centro Commercial, Zeniamar, C/Abeto,S/N, Local 13 tel 966 730900.

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