Latest news on security gates

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I would like to update everyone on the on current situation with the security gates.

The security gate on the side of the Alioth pub was fitted just before Christmas. As this is a separate community, we do not have access to the vehicle gate but the pedestrian gate is accessible using our existing pedestrian gate keys.

Since the installation of this gate we are experiencing problems with dog walkers outside of our community accessing our walkways to get to the ravine. They should be told if seen that this is private for residents only and no access is available.

As a result of this we have seen and increased amount of dog faeces in our community.

Our security gates on Nicolas De Bussi will be ordered with a view to the first one on road 26 being fitted from the middle to the end of February.

We also have a problem with someone, who I presume is living on our community and accessing the Western Pool and letting their dog foul on the grass.

Yesterday one of our gardeners and I counted 6 amounts of dog faeces collected from that area.

At the moment we do not know who this person is but we suspect that they have a small to medium sized dog.

A notice will be placed on the pool gates advising that no dogs or dog fouling is allowed in the pool area.

I will not be available from 4 January until 22 January so can I ask everyone to be vigilant and notify AGM of any problems should they arise.

Thank you

Jos Whitehouse
