Let’s keep our community safe & secure

Following the recent incident of a suspicious caller one of our residents has reminded us again of the need for some kind of neighbourhood watch scheme so that we could work together to keep each other safe and protect our properties.

This initiative needs to serve both permanent residents here in Spain as well as home owners who leave their property unoccupied for times throughout the year. We have therefore setup a dedicated thread on our website’s chat forum in which residents can warn others about suspicious individuals, criminal activity or property related issues. 

To access this thread all you have to do is logon to Our Forum and view the “Online Neighbourhood Watch” topic. If you want to receive notifications of anything posted on this topic then select “Subscribe” and you will be emailed immediately.

Our Forum is a private forum visible only to owners of homes on the Urbanisation of Playa Flamenca X. It is an online discussion place to provide help and support to fellow residents so seemed like a good place to implement a community led initiative like this.

If you don’t have a log on for our chat forum then you can register as a new user. Once logged in you will also see plenty of other chats on useful topics such as Community Matters, Padron & Residencia, Covid, Tradesmen, Healthcare, Buy & Sell, Utilities and many more.

One thought on “Let’s keep our community safe & secure

  1. Sounds like a good idea, we are only over a few times a year as are our new neighbours.

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