I am pleased to tell owners that the re-grouting of the eastern pool is almost complete. Our maintenance company A.L. Limpiezas y Servicios have done an excellent job and the tiling and steps looks good. There is a small area of steps to retile and the pool will then be refilled.
The company has given a five-year guarantee on this work.
Once filled work will start on the regrouting of the western pool.
It is important that all pool users obey the rules and shower before getting in the pool and every time they re-enter to wash off any sun oils, etc. These can seriously affect the chemical levels in the water and leads to damage to the grouting if not rectified quickly.
Work will start soon on the repair work along the western road to fill the gap between the roadway and garage wall. This will include the laying of a conduit from the communications box to entry points within the garage to allow owners to have fibre optics to homes above garages.
Finally I have to report disgusting occurrences within our urbanisation over recent weeks. On several Saturdays human excrement has been found complete with soiled toilet paper, close to parked cars and the likely culprit is a market trader – because it always happens on Saturdays. I shall be discussing with our administrator what action can be taken – by making the town hall and any market trader organisation aware of what is happening. It goes without saying we would like to catch the culprit, so those owners who are up and about early on Saturday mornings let us know if you see anything untoward.