Newsletter : Community Fees & Pool Repair

I have been informed by our new administrator (Maria at AGM) that she has now been able to transfer our community bank account to the Sabadell branch at Punta Prima (near the blue bridge).

We are now able to receive money into the account (with the same account numbers as before) and Maria will begin the process of claiming our second instalment 2018 fees which were due in November.

One of the main problems with our change of administration has been getting the AGM and EGM minutes officially stamped by the Land Registry (because of the intervening holiday period) and until that is completed the bank will not allow the payment of bills by cheque etc. Hopefully it will all be resolved in a few days.

Our new maintenance company has been informed of the financial situation and has agreed to wait for payment for their work to date, and I thank them for that understanding.

The bank has allowed us to pay the insurance for this year so all continues in order and we are very fortunate that we have built up the financial reserves over the past four years giving us that ability.

Our maintenance company has begun work on the reinstatement of our swimming pools – cleaning and re-grouting and both pools will be ready to re-open within a few weeks.

We have negotiated a price for this work at 1,028.50 euros for each pool, with a five year guarantee.

Our administrator has, on three occasions, written to the original company who undertook the grouting work two years ago, asking them to honour their guarantees, and has been ignored.

Obviously we could not allow this situation to continue because we would be left without a usable swimming pool this year, and we will be considering our legal options for recovering the money.

May I thank those who attended our post New Year get together at the Chinese restaurant recently.