Newsletter : Suspected poisoning of cats

Hello everyone

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Unfortunately I have to report the death of three cats on our community over the last couple of weeks.  One of the cats had been run over but may have also been poisoned as two other cats found dead show signs of poisoning.

The last cat that was taken to the vets has been reported by the vets to the police.

Can I ask that all residents especially cat owners on our community be very vigilant and report anything suspicious to the police.

Can I also remind everyone driving on the community to please reduce their speed as I have had reports of speeding vehicles.  Please give consideration to your fellow community neighbours.  Thank you.

Finally let us all hope there will be something near normality soon so that all our community can once again enjoy our times in Spain.

Best wishes



One thought on “Newsletter : Suspected poisoning of cats

  1. Thank you very much for informing us about the poisoning. It is also important for us dog owners to know.

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