Newsletter : Western pool, Speeding & Leaks

Workmen have today started the laying of a path in the western pool area from the western southern gate to the existing tiled area around the pool.
The object of this is on public health grounds so that people do not have to walk on grass from the gate to the pool area.
As a safety precaution I have closed the pool while work progresses and which should be complete early next week.
Would everyone wishing to use the pool use the eastern pool until the work is complete.
I  have been asked by an owner to consider removing the hedge around the western pool and replacing it with a fence. The reason is that the hedge is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and they are particularly prevalent this year after the Easter rains. I have investigated spraying the hedges but have been told that although it might work for a few days, the pesky biters quickly return. Owners of houses around the pool will be asked for their views and if there is sufficient support I will seek costings and have it placed on our 2019 AGM agenda.
I now have had two complaints in two weeks concerning drivers parking too close to electric and water meters so people cannot access them. Would drivers please be more considerate when they are parking. I also have had three more complaints about speeding cars in interior roads. Keep the speed to between 10kph and 15 kph PLEASE.
Finally a plumbing /building company has investigated the cause of a minor leak from the northern walkway into a garage. The cause has been determined as cats defecating above a surface drain and blocking the trap underneath. The company has identified a simple remedy to this problem. The same company s investigating a mystery drainage pipe which appears from nowhere in the garage roof and appears to serve  no useful purpose, but leaks in heavy rain.