Noisy neighbours & Barking Dogs

During the past month I have received several complaints from owners concerning disturbances caused by neighbours.
This is something that seems to happen regularly and arises because a few people do not take into consideration what effect their actions  have on others.
The first problem is people socialising (and no doubt under the effect of alcohol getting louder and louder) on their patios late into the evening and night. Sound travels a great distance at night and can be particularly annoying for people trying to sleep and having their windows open.
The other problem is barking dogs. Some dog owners leave their animals unattended for hours or leave them on patios allowing them to bark at anyone or anything passing.  This is obviously particularly annoying to any near neighbour.
I have discussed these problems with our administrator who recommends that people should report such incidents directly to police who will attend and deal with the situation – no doubt more effectively than a letter from me as president.
The local police in Orihuela Costa can be contacted on 649900304 (mobile) and 966760000 (landline). Apparently a quicker and more effective response is achieved by calling the mobile phone number.