Opening of swimming pools

Hello Everyone

I write to advise that both swimming pools will be opening from 15th July.
Due to Coronavirus and Government Restrictions placed on pools  there will be a limit on the number of people in the pools at one time.
There will be cleaning solutions available for everyone using the pools to use after getting out of the pools. Shoes/sandals will have to be worn at all time whilst in the pool areas.
The pool areas will be cleaned every morning before opening by the Community’s maintenance company
People living around the Eastern pool please refrain from sitting around the pool if it is not your allotted time to use the pool.
To give me some idea of how many people who will want to use the pools, it would be helpful if you could let me know.  So that I can make this fair to everyone.

The rules of the pools will be posted on the pool gates as soon as possible.
The current plan is to put the pool rota on the pool gate for residents to choose a time but if this becomes too contentious then I will allocate the times.  Please be fair to everyone.
Once all the rules have been finalised I will post them on the website.
Any constructive comments will be greatly appreciated.

7 thoughts on “Opening of swimming pools

  1. Hello
    This makes us very Happy! We, our family Will be in our house between the 1st of August till the 16th of August we are 6 in the family. We prefer time in the pool in the afternoons, if one can wish. But other times Will of course also be perfekt.
    Best Regards fam Sjöberg #1772
    (Jos, do not have youre mailadress)

  2. Hi Jos. This is great news. I can confirm that Karan and i are there from 28th July until 2nd Sept and will be using the pool Eastern almost every day. We will complete the rota on the gate, just hope it doesn’t get to the stage that there is a queue to fill out the rota when people begin to know when it is to be put up for the next day

  3. The Spanish Covid 19 rules allow a maximum of 75% of the capacity of the pools.
    Why can’t you just determine the maximum number of people allowed in the pool?
    You can certainly set a guaranteed time for the residents, but then the pools will be very often completely unused.
    In the past few years my wife and I have often been completely alone in the pool and without a corona. The only necessary thing is to make it clear to people that you can only stay in the pool area to swim.
    My suggestion: Set the maximum number of users, plus a guaranteed time and if the capacity is sufficient as well.
    We are in Playa Flamenca from July 17th to 31st, only use pool east (at the mailboxes) and prefer as a guaranteed time after 4 p.m. (2 persons)

  4. Hi Jos
    Myself and my wife will be over from 14 August to 28 August please could you allocate a slot for us during
    this period

    Shaun & Karen
    Casa 1771

  5. Hi Jos

    Myself and my wife will be over 14th August until the 28th August, please can you if possible allocate us some pm slots during this period.

    Shaun & Karen
    Casa 1771

  6. Hi all.
    Thank you for addressing the pool situation. Common sense, should work, to be able to use the pool when there is no-one or less than the maximum numbers in the pool.
    Allocated time slots seam to be a little strange. The maximum number of swimmers in the pool should be set and a responsible use with an official back up list for reserved times seams to be the best option to avoid a “mad rush” to fill in the list on the gate, with first come-first get visitors.

    Thanks, Heike & Linda
    Casa 1786

  7. Hellou Every One.
    I, m agree With Josef Patterer. I have The dame opinión.
    Casa 1749

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