Parking rules on our Urbanisation

The urbanisation committee has recently considered what action we can take to deter car parking in places which cause problems to others.

One such area is at the end of the cul-de-sac on the eastern urbanisation road where one or more cars are regularly parked.

This causes difficulty for other drivers trying to use the area as a place for turning. One driver scraped the front bumper on a wall  and this week there are signs of damage on the same wall where another vehicle must have scraped it.

It would have been desirable if bad practice car parking was stopped by consent, but if this proves impossible, the committee has agreed to place “No Parking, turning area only” notices in English and Spanish at the site and if necessary paint a yellow hatched area on the road. Our administrator has confirmed that we can legally take such action.

It’s sad that this is necessary – caused by a few thoughtless people.