Pool opening rules

Hello Everyone

You should have all received notification from AGM regarding the pools.

The pools will be opening on 15 July 2020 and hours of opening will be 0900 until 1800.
There will be a cleaning station in each pool. This station will contain hand sanitizer and a mop and bucket contains disinfectant to clean the shower area.
The pool area will be cleaned every morning by the Community’s Maintenance Company.
The maximum number of people per session allowed will be:-
Western pool 7
Eastern pool. 6
Each session will be a maximum of two hours and the final session will be one hour. (This is open to change subject to demand).
Any unused sessions can be booked by pool users nearer the time of that session
The use of face masks is mandatory
Users must shower and apply hand sanitizer before entering the pool.
On leaving the pool users must clean the areas steps, shower, taps and handrails.
All children must be accompanied by an adult and no inflatables or toys are allowed in the pools.
Footwear must be worn at all times around the pool.
A four day list of sessions (15 to 18 July) will be placed in each pool area prior to 15 July for pool users to add their house number, name and number in their party. Each house is allowed a maximum of one session per day unless there are unused sessions that can be booked nearer to the time of the unused session.
On 18 July two clip boards will be attached to the pool gates for the next two days sessions for pool users to add their details.  The clipboards will be updated every two days between 10 and 11 am.
Can everyone please be mindful of the rules and be fair to other pool users.