Potential opening of pools

Hello All
Everyone should have received an email from AGM the Administrators regarding the potential opening of the pools in the community.  If you have not then please email info@agmadministradores.com or telephone 966730900
Can you please make sure you send in your preferred choice by 12 June by email or by telephone.
It is the Government that is imposing the rules on the pools and not the community and they have to be adhered to for everyone’s safety. Fines for not obeying the government can be from 600 euros upwards.
The cost of maintaining the pools has been quoted at approximately 12 euros per hour plus IVA. The Administrators have received several quotes for the work.  However we can not justify paying all of this money out of the community funds when other maintenance work will be need to be carried out.
The only alternative would be to increase the community fees at the AGM or to ask residents to pay a contribution to the costs.  Please let me know your thoughts on this.
We don’t know at the moment what costs will apply for the month of September.
The choice is yours so please use your vote wisely.
Stay safe

3 thoughts on “Potential opening of pools

  1. This is a difficult one; I would personally open the pools. I believe most people on our community would be sensible and cooperate with each other in adhering to the new rules. Also a lot of people get a lot of benefits/pleasure from using the pools both physically and mentally.
    On a negative I think some people will use them anyway.
    I would support whatever is decided.
    Damned if you do damned if you don’t.

  2. Hi, my vote is to leave the pools closed. Both options to have them open require pre-booking a 1 hour slot which is not much use to me. My wife and I love using the pool to exercise, cool off, and generally socialise with other pool users. But the new protocols to be in place if the pools are allowed to open pretty much makes those opportunities very short indeed. the atmosphere would not be the same and I suspect there will be issues with enforcing those protocols. So my view is that we sacrifice the use of the pools this summer but look forward to getting back to almost normal when control of the virus is better understood.

  3. Today I read in a Spanish newspaper that the Region of Valencia, Alicante is entering phase 3 of the Covid 19 de-escalation plan on Monday June 15th.
    This phase should then only be valid for one week and the emergency laws will end on Sunday June 21st.
    We should now vote on Phase 2 measures from Covid 19 if they are no longer valid in a few days.
    The pools are an important part of our urbanization and it cannot be voted whether they will be opened or not.
    For me, the pools must be open within the permitted Spanish Covid 19 laws.

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