President Report 2018


I am delighted to report another successful year financially, with an out-turn at the end of our financial year of more than 11,000 euros. This means we are carrying a reserve of approximately 20% of our yearly expenditure – a big difference from five years ago when our urbanisation couldn’t even pay for insurance when it became due. A reserve is vital for an urbanisation of our age. Not only is it a legal necessity, it is common sense when you consider our urbanisation is getting older and will require more maintenance in the years ahead. It has been achieved by watching every euro in expenditure and trying to get the best value for money. As a result I am pleased to say that yet again we do not need to raise fees and we now have one of the lowest urbanisation fees in the Costa.

I am also pleased to report that our administrator has succeeded in keeping debts to a minimum. We have a policy in place to take action when an owner is around two years in arrears. Our arrears now stand at around 15,000 euros which is very good when you consider that the two largest debts are beyond our administrator’s ability to control. I would like to thank both Sonia and Marysa for their work during the past year.

That’s the good news. The not so good news is that I am increasingly having to deal with complaints caused by people not considering others, especially during the holiday periods. Our homes close to eachother and our actions can easily cause annoyance to neighbours. I have had to deal with complaints about noisy children, babies crying for hours on end, barking dogs, people leaving rubbish in walkways, building work going on for weeks, even at weekends and during siesta times, people sitting on their patios or in conservatories until the small hours of the morning, drinking alcohol and getting increasingly noisy, and the most difficult to resolve and control, car parking problems. Much of these problems could so easily be avoided if people were more considerate to others and were a bit more tolerant.

To try to control the car parking issues we are proposing a new urbanisation rule and we will be discussing this later in the meeting.

Finally, but by no means least, I would like to thank the committee for their work and help during the year and, particularly Heike and Norman for holding the fort while I was absent during the some of summer. In addition many thanks to Cliff for his work throughout the year in maintaining our urbanisation website.