Problems with the Eastern Pool

Yesterday, you should have received an email from the Administrator with news about the Eastern pool but just in case you didn’t here is a reminder of what they said

There were problems over the weekend with the Eastern pool making it very dirty. This is because the pool pump has failed and, therefore, the water has not been cleaned properly.

Yesterday, the maintenance company came to carry out treatment, clean the water and restore the levels. It was expected to take effect throughout the day. However, until the motor is fixed and reinstalled, the pool will be closed, as the values necessary to make it safe for bathers cannot be ensured.

It is therefore completely prohibited to access or bathe in the pool until further notice. If anyone wants to swim, please, use the west pool.

If you didn’t receive this email from the Administrator then please contact them to check whether you are on their mailing list otherwise you may miss out on important updates to Community News.

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