I regret to inform you that unfortunately one of our properties was broken into last night.
Two phones and a computer were taken.
Can I ask that everyone please be vigilant especially at this time of year.
Please make sure all downstairs doors and windows are shut and locked and if possible downstairs window shutters are down.
Please do not make it easy for these people to access your property.
Please stay vigilant.
Just out of interest. Did this happen while the gate was being repaired
Just to clarify, the house was not ‘broken into’. The people there didn’t lock the door and left the reja open, the blinds up and left a light on inside, with their stolen items clearly on display when they went to bed upstairs. The thieves just walked in and took the phones and laptop, then shut the door behind them. If doors had been locked and blinds down it would not have happened, so be sensible and lock up before you go to bed.