Structural Survey Agreement

On 9th February 2017 the presidents of the housing and garage communities (Tony Mayes and Norman Brunt) signed a formal agreement to put into place the structural review of the garages area which will take place within the next few weeks. It also requires future inspections as recommended by the professionals.

This will cover the work carried out two years ago to comply with the court order requiring the housing committee to rectify leaks into garages. This is covered by a guarantee which expires in May this year.

The other part of the review will be a visual inspection of all garage areas which can be accessed, and all patios. The cost of this inspection will be borne 50/50 by both communities.


Works to resolve a long standing problem of water leaks into the garage area were completed and professionally signed off in May 2015.

The repair works were carried out in full compliance with recommendations made in a professional report commissioned by the garage community.

The report stated that in December 2012 there was no evidence of any loss of structural integrity as a consequence of the water leaks and damage sustained over many years but recommended future structural monitoring to ensure that situation was maintained.

Accordingly both Playa Flamenca X Housing Community (HC) and Playa Flamenca X Garage Community (GC) have agreed to instigate regular structural reviews by a properly qualified professional.

The first review will be carried out in early 2017 and future scheduling of reviews will be as recommended by professional advice and shall be accepted by both communities.

The cost of the reviews will be split 50/50 between both communities.

Any recommended repairs will be carried out without question by either community – the costs to be split 78/22 as the Escritura.

This agreement shall not be revoked at any time in the future without the consent of both communities.


Playa Flamenca X Playa Flamenca X
Housing Community Garage Community
President : President :
Administrator : Administrator :