Structural survey of walkways, patios and garages complete

A company of surveyors and architects today carried out a comprehensive visual inspection of the garages, walkways and patios above the garages. They spent more than two hours in this inspection, accompanied by presidents of both the housing and garage communities and respective administrators to ensure that everything possible was inspected. This included all the work carried out almost two years ago to comply with a court order brought against the housing community – necessary before the guarantee runs out. The inspection was carried out using a comprehensive brief drawn up by the housing community committee.

Although it will be about a month before the report is given to us, the inspectors wanted to reassure all owners living above the garages that they did not find anything wrong with the support beams and the structural integrity of the entire building was satisfactory. This was what was giving house owners the most concern and this reassurance will undoubtedly be most welcome.

Once the report is to hand it will be published on this website in its entirety,  fully considered by the committee and recommendations put to the community if the need should arise.